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Kasper van Moll

“The human expression within painting is present in the works of Kasper van Moll (NL, 1992) - musician, performer, and artist as well as co-founder of the record label Broken Toaster Records. His multi-disciplinary practice is visible in the layered surfaces of his paintings that combine many aspects of his artistic life. The compositions and colors can relate to the playful concept of “jamming” as a time-based practice of sharing with others including band members, performers, or other collaborators. His latest series of paintings is a lament to lost digital information - after losing data to a hard-drive error he recovered traces from previous projects and used them as the base for a new series - the reference to lost material indicates that an image can be much more than a simple surface and can reference moments and creative outputs that will persist in human memory longer than the digital sphere. Using oil stick, archival material, digital print, and more, these paintings are a collage dedicated to the value of moments of collective work."
- Àngels Miralda, co-curator of Springboard Art Fair 2023 -
2018-2020 MFA The Commoners' Society, Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam
2012-2016 BA Fine Art, ArtEZ, Arnhem
2011-2012 Pre-course Visual Arts, ArtEZ, Arnhem
MAKE & Wobby, To Riso Or Not?, MAKE, Eindhoven
Derde Wal lab, Nijmeegse Stadsnomaden, Nijmegen
Productiehuis Plaatsmaken, Arnhem
Rietveld Paviljoen, Amsterdam (BTR)
Das Neue Haus, Viersen (DE)(BTR)
Whatspace 2008 – 2016
Soft-cover book
Published by Whatspace (Bas van den Hurk & Koen Delaere)
7inch black vinyl
Published by Peter Fengler / De Player, Rotterdam
Educational Activities
2019 Performance Workshop Teacher, Fontys, Tilburg
2018-2019 Project Intermediary CodC, Radboud University, Nijmegen
2018 Guide, State of Fashion, Arnhem
2017-2018 Project Intermediary CodC, Radboud University, Nijmegen
2016-2017 Project Intermediary CodC, Radboud University, Nijmegen
2016 Guide, Sonsbeek '16: TransACTION, Arnhem
Pictoright, Pictoright Steunfonds
Mondriaan Fonds, Projectinvestering Kunstenaar en Bemiddelaar
Schakel025, Projectinvestering Kunstenaar
Heij-Konijn Fonds (NL)
Provincie Gelderland, CenE Talentontwikkeling voor Professionals
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